New England, Puritanizmus, és Jonathan Edwards Transzatlanti kontextusa
Puritan sermons and Reformed writing
Library of Congress: America as Religious Refuge in the 17th Century
Jonathan Edwards Center-Hungary (JEC)
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem (KRE) Anglisztika Intézet
Hermeneutikai Kutatóközpont (KRE, HKK)
A kutatóközpont vezetője: Fabiny Tibor (KRE)
Létrejött: 2009
Munkatárs: Kállay G. Katalin (KRE)
Adminisztrátor: Blázy Márti
Search the Works of Jonathan Edwards Online
Browse the Works of Jonathan Edwards Online
Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University
Jonathan Edwards Center at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Images of Edwards documents at Yale’s Beinecke Library
Jonathan Edwards Studies online journal
Jonathan Edwards Society
Jonathan Edwards at Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Early English Books
Yale hosts international conference on Jonathan Edwards scholarship
Puritan sermons and Reformed writing
Library of Congress: America as Religious Refuge in the 17th Century